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One central service point for the entire control center.

Kreisgrafik Service

One central service point for the entire control center.





A central point of contact for all our customers' concerns.


1st Level Support
2st Level Support
3st Level Support

All three support levels are based at eurofunk and ensure that support is available quickly and professionally.



The comprehensive field service ensures immediate assistance on site.



Annual review of systems to ensure highest availability.



Advice on all upcoming challenges and opportunities for the future.



Ongoing development of existing products.



Sicherstellen, dass die Lösungen aktuell bleiben.

Kreisgrafik Service

One central service point for the entire control center.





A central point of contact for all our customers' concerns.


1st Level Support
2st Level Support
3st Level Support

All three support levels are based at eurofunk and ensure that support is available quickly and professionally.



The comprehensive field service ensures immediate assistance on site.



Annual review of systems to ensure highest availability.



Advice on all upcoming challenges and opportunities for the future.



Ongoing development of existing products.



Sicherstellen, dass die Lösungen aktuell bleiben.


» From eurofunk employee to the head of your division – anything is possible if you keep your eyes on the prize and work hard to achieve your goals.«
- Markus Schafflinger , Head of Solutions Division


»Prompt, uncomplicated and unbureaucratic service, often beyond the scope of existing contracts, characterizes more than anything else our cooperation with eurofunk as a supplier.«
Mag. Dr. Klaus Baumgartner, fire chief with the Graz Professional Fire Services


»This network concept, consisting of three control centers and regional alarm and warning centers, represents a milestone in Carinthian emergency response.«
LR Ing. Daniel Fellner, speaker of the Provincial Fire Brigade and member of the Carinthian government


»The technology provided by eurofunk guarantees that control centers within the network can provide operational support for the others in the network if and when it becomes necessary. «
LBD Ing. Rudolf Robin, commander and director of the Provincial Fire Brigade Carinthia


»By using eurofunk Active Monitoring (eAM), the operational dependability of the control center is increased many times over. Possible sources of interference are detected at an early stage before they begin to impact control center operations.«
Anton Groschack, Head of ICC Traunstein


»My dealings with eurofunk management throughout many years of successful collaboration have always been based on respect and mutual appreciation, even when approaching an issue from conflicting points of view. «
Achim Hackstein, Director of Joint Association of Control Centers NORTH Schleswig-Holstein



Where does eurofunk originate?

Click here to find out more about the history of our family business.

How do I get in contact?

Click here to find out how to contact us.

How does eurofunk assure quality?

We attach great importance to quality. The eurofunk Management System (EFMS) is a process management system that has been specifically tailored to meet our demands. EFMS consistently assures the quality of our products, solutions and services. Reviews by external institutes and certification in accordance with EN ISO 9001 guarantees continuous improvement.

How does eurofunk view information security?

Information security is an essential component for companies working in a security-critical environment and is deeply integrated in our value-added process. This is why we sought and received ISO/IEC 27001 certification and regularly request monitoring from external institutes such as the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, for example.

Which certifications does eurofunk have?

We are certified partners for:

  • Oracle
  • Sophos
  • Microsoft
  • Redhat
  • Cisco
  • everRun
  • AMX

Click here to find out more about our partners and certificates.

Which technologies do you use?

For our IT architecture, the foundation of our solutions, we rely on established standard technologies by leading manufacturers in the respective field.

  • Client-server: products from HP, Dell, Matrox and Eizo
  • Network and security: Cisco, Sophos, Trend Micro
  • Database: Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • Operating systems with long-term support: Redhat and Microsoft
  • Virtualization layer: Hyper-V, VMware, everRun

Do I have a primary contact person at eurofunk?

For maintenance customers, the Service Manager is your primary contact. They will help you with all your concerns and, if necessary, put you in touch with further contacts (e.g. a Sales Account Manager or your Customer Consultant).

How does eurofunk Service work?

eurofunk Service uses ITIL v3 (IT Infrastructure Library) as the framework for our service processes. Click here to find out more about eurofunk Service.

Where is Service located?

The Service Organization consists of several departments. Our technical support and the Customer Care Center are located at Company Headquarters in St. Johann im Pongau, Austria. Our Field Service technicians are spread across the areas in which our customers operate and form a network that enables them to be on site quickly.

Do you offer support 24/7/365?

Of course, our range of services includes round-the-clock support. As a maintenance customer, our technical specialists are available for you 365 days a year.

Does eurofunk offer their own Field Service?

We have our own Field Service staff who form a network throughout our target regions. Currently, there are 12 service support centers throughout Germany, one in the Middle East and 4 service support centers in Austria.

My customer log-in does not work. Who can help me?

Please contact your primary eurofunk contact person. If you do not have a primary contact, click here to contact us.

Who do I contact if I have a technical fault?

Our Service Desk is happy to help at any time during our regular opening hours. For urgent cases, outside normal business hours, our technical on-call service is there for you.


If you would like to find out more about our partnerships and certificates, please contact us.