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Indoor Radio Systems

It is the fire service in particular which relies on wireless communication when called to an incident. They need it to establish communication inside buildings.


In detail

Indoor radio systems are an essential part of the safety equipment which allows blue light services to establish radio communication inside buildings. Before this can happen, a wide range of criteria must be fulfilled. As every building differs both in terms of spatial dimensions and radio propagation, a special type of analysis is required right from the planning phase. We design the solution guidelines according to the specific circumstances.

Indoor radio systems for the fire service

The first thing we clarify is which tasks are to be completed by the system. The services to the building, its construction, the radio communication quality and potential escalation scenarios are especially important.


Our all-in-one portfolio provides GSM integration, connection to the fire alarm panel, standard-compliant control panels, antennas and radiating cables.

360° Service

We handle the commissioning of the systems which follows “Plug & Play” principles. We assemble and deliver the relevant documentation. If agreed, we can also take over maintenance of the system. If switchover to the digital radio network is required, then all necessary arrangements for this are made in advance. In the case of an upgrade, only the corresponding repeater must be installed.

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