Innovation Center eNNOV8 honoured for its sustainability
At the end of 2016 the eurofunk Innovation Center eNNOV8 [e:novvaet] was opened at the eurofunk headquarters St. Johann im Pongau. The name derived from the address eurofunk-Straße 8 and the motivation behind the building “innovate!”. In this building all the skillsets from research, product design, development and product quality assurance were brought together under one roof. Based on scientific evidence, an open office concept was developed in joint cooperation with experienced interior design specialists and our own employees.
Sustainability also played a major role in the construction of the building. Together with the city of St. Johann im Pongau and specialists from the industry, the “Free Cooling System” project was implemented. This is a building cooling system that operates the air-conditioning systems with the help of the city’s cold water supply. As a result, electricity consumption is reduced, which in turn saves 113.77 tons of CO2 per year. For this innovative solution, eurofunk has now received an award from the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism.
Find out more about our innovation center eNNOV8 in the eurofunk NEWS 2017.